Hooray! This is my first post!

I’ve tried to set up a personal website. And I had even taken Web Programming course to learn the whole thing in my senior year. What I’ve learned in the end about building a nice personal website from scratch is that you need to have a good sense of beauty. You also need to play with CSS a lot to customize each component.

I tried to do that for a couple of months but just couldn’t make colors and styles consistent and look nice. I think everyone has their weakness, and I just found mine. Like my high school teacher once commented on my artwork: “A bold and interesting color combination”.

So finally I gave up the idea of designing the whole thing. I decided to find a nice template online and just modify it. That’s how this site is built, based on beautiful-jekyll.

Besides some of the school projects, I’ll try to use this website to record my life. Thankfully, I have a friend Ping-Min Lin who can take gorgeous photos that I can share here!

Last but not least, as you might already notice, my writing skills definitely has room for improvement. Hope I’ll get better in the future!